Everything Clerks Need to Know to Drive Efficiency in Local Government

Nicholas Price
Efficiency in the clerk's office is core to the long-term success of any local government organization. A municipal clerk serves as the glue that holds the rest of the city administration together, leveraging management, leadership, decision-making and professionalism skills as well as practiced patience. The public expects to see that their tax dollars are being put to good use and that the issues they care about are being addressed. This means that clerks must be switched-on, versatile, detail-oriented and well-organized to ensure that needs are met and that the local government functions properly. With the right technology, inefficiencies in the clerk's office can be eliminated, leaving clerks to benefit from streamlined meeting processes and more effective outcomes.

In this Whitepaper, we will discuss:

  • The role of the local government clerk
  • How digital tools help to free up working hours
  • What clerks can do to drive efficiency in meeting agendas, board & commission management and live streaming
  • How a modern approach to governance helps local governments improve and thrive to benefit the communities they serve

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