Spend less with Diligent
It’s simple. One vendor relationship costs less than three. Especially when that one vendor is Diligent. Spend less with us and get more value.
Better insights, better decisions
During the board meeting, sustainability officers have just a few minutes to give directors the clarity they need to provide informed oversight. Don’t prepare for your next board presentation without following the 8 steps in this checklist for CSOs and ESG leaders.
Less frustration
Learning multiple platforms, sharing data between them and viewing multiple dashboards takes too much time. Instead, consolidate and simplify your life.

Forrester confirms the savings

Highlights from Total Economic Impact Studies

50−60% time reduction with Diligent board & leadership collaboration

  • 50−60% time reduction when creating & distributing materials
  • $187K three year benefit value
  • <1600 hours saved creating and distributing materials
  • 623 hours saved by internal IT support

50% savings with ESG & diversity reporting

  • 50% savings in aggregating and auditing emissions data
  • 167% return on investment
  • $300K net present value
  • 60−80% time savings when collecting

Related Insights & Resources

Top Challenges Facing Boards in 2022

Corporate directors navigated a range of challenges – disrupted supply chains, increase in cyber attacks, investor pressures on ESG, the ‘War on Talent’ – either stemming from or accelerated by the pandemic.

Leadership in a Digital Age: Why Now Is the Time for Boards to Digitize

Now more than ever, we live in a digitally-oriented world. But why does digitization, often so prevalent in organizations, seem to stop at the boardroom door?

Board Portal Buyers Guide

The right board management software can improve governance and board efficiencies while allowing board members to collaborate within a secure platform.

The visibility & control you need to transform your business, on a single platform.

We give organizations like yours visibility and control across governance, compliance, risk, audit and ESG. So, you can make more informed decisions faster and with more confidence — while driving and sustaining cost savings.

Let’s talk: Learn how much you can save