Moving Forward While Looking Back: 3 Steps School Boards Need to Take Post-COVID  

Diana Baker Freeman

“Don’t look back, you aren’t going that direction,” a nice quip, but it is not beneficial. Moving forward without considering the past means losing the lessons.

People are anxious to leave COVID behind; unfortunately, we are not fully past this chapter. While we have many reasons for optimism, COVID is still active. It may seem soon for a “lessons learned” conversation, but we can examine observations to this point and use them to inform governance decisions moving forward.

Public schools have seen the largest decline in enrollment since the turn of the century. Can we recover? Can we connect with families and rebound?  Only through incorporating the lessons learned. Three areas for attention stand out in a reflective analysis of the pandemic response: communication, inequities, and innovation.

Step 1 — Communication

Communication is the key to engagement--it must be honest, timely and dynamic. Consistent communication is key to maintaining public trust and instilling confidence and calm. When there is frequent change and disruption, it is important to have a centralized messaging and communication center that is adequately publicized. Social media and targeted tools like a message service are helpful to get quick notifications out, while a static web location that parents trust to hold the latest information can alleviate confusion.

Step 2 — Bridge the Inequity Gaps

Data points to the fact that COVID exacerbated existing inequities. From a financial standpoint, already struggling families were pushed further into hardship. Necessary resources, materials and supplies were sometimes scarce. When the hardware was available, connectivity -or the lack of it- created issues. Even students with in-home wi-fi were not always equipped to handle multiple people working at home. Students of color were also disproportionately impacted by excessive absenteeism. Moving forward, equity must be a centerpiece of system-level plans for each district. Support systems featuring proactive outreach will have to be developed. Targeted support for families and multilingual communication avenues are essential. Collaborative efforts to understand the most pressing needs of students and families should be a core of recovery plans.

Step 3 — Increase Technology Usage

Remote learning was probably the biggest challenge schools faced in the pandemic. Curriculum components, assessment strategies and instructional delivery all had to change. Technology literacy is a must for 21st century graduates and the pandemic led to students becoming stronger in their use of technological tools. Many students also reported becoming stronger in working independently. Families that previously were not able to come to meetings or engage with the schools were able to connect virtually.


What Does This Mean for a School Board?

Data is the key to recovery. Knowing connectivity rates for students, meals served, plan status and communication efficacy are all important—what worked and what didn’t. A technologically equipped board can easily compare current data with historical numbers. Transparency for the community will build trust while a single source of truth alleviates confusion. While the list above is not exhaustive in terms of pandemic impacts, it is a starting point for conversations and plans to strategically deploy ESSER dollars. Engagement with the community is a requirement for developing spending plans for this additional money. A robust board portal is the key to tracking goals, sharing confidential board information while remaining accessible in the community.

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Diana Baker Freeman

Diana Baker Freeman is a Senior Customer Success Manager for Diligent Mission-Driven Organizations. She holds an MS in Education Leadership and has taught in public schools and at the university level. After being elected as a school board member she developed a deep understanding of board members' roles, and how they drive improved educational outcomes.

As a public school trustee, Diana was nominated and accepted to Leadership TASB, through the Texas Association of School Boards, and graduated as a Master Trustee. Diana became a Board Development Consultant for the TASB and has led boards through strategic planning, goal setting, ethics training and the examination of roles and responsibilities of board members. She has presented at various state-wide, regional and national conferences and developed online training for TASB as well as the Southern Regional Training Consortium.