A Comprehensive Solution for Good Governance Oversight

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Benchmark against competitors and stay up-to-date with industry standards
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Trusted by Institutional Investors
Our insights are used by investors managing £34 trillion (€40TN) in assets to inform their votes
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Delivering value to over 25,000 organisations
Including 80% FTSE100, 78% of the Fortune 500, 70% of the ASX 200

Modern Governance Platform

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  • Board & AGM Management
  • Secure Collaboration & Communications
  • Board Effectiveness & Composition
  • Compensation & Governance Intel
  • Governance Benchmarking & ESG
Board & AGM Management 
Transform how boards and leaders work together
  • Make board and committee meetings more efficient and productive, with instant access to the information you and your board need before, during and after meetings
  • Collaborate on documents, communicate with teams and store files in a central, secure cloud-based environment that integrates with multiple third-party vendors including Microsoft Teams and Zoom.
  • Centralise your survey and evaluation activities on a single, easy-to-use platform accessible on any device, any time
Secure Collaboration & Communications  
Stay agile without compromising on security.
  • Hold AGM conversations on sensitive topics in a fully encrypted, user friendly portal, improving communication and reducing vulnerability in the process.
  • Securely share and collaborate in real-time on sensitive and confidential documentation from any device, anywhere. Set detailed access permissions to prevent unauthorised access.
  • Submit, record and securely store signed documentation or resolution outcomes, easing the burden of board administration
Diligent Secure File Sharing Solutions
Board Effectiveness & Composition
Build a leadership team that delivers excellence
  • Build and maintain an effective leadership team. Analyse performance, evaluate gaps in expertise and identify the right people to successfully execute your organisation’s strategic objectives.
  • Benchmark board composition against peers, source new candidates and preempt opposition from investors
Compensation & Governance Intel
Data to drive your organisation forward
  • Formulate modern compensation plans that are aligned with business strategy and shareholder expectations.
  • Gain the vital insights needed for modern governance through curated, AI-assisted news feeds, insights and industry health analytics. 
Governance Benchmarking & ESG
Stay one step ahead of stakeholder expectations
  • Proactively develop and sustain a robust strategy for better governance oversight across key areas including diversity, executive compensation, cyber security, board effectiveness and ESG
  • Stay up-to-date with rapidly changing standards by comparing your governance practices against over 6,000 public company profiles
  • Gain a better understanding of your organisation’s reputation, driving you to make more effective decisions going forward.
Diligent Governance Intelligence Solutions

Related Insights & Resources

A panel of experts will review the key priorities for voting investors in 2022 and offer predictions on what boards can expect over the next 12 months.
ESG and Executive Compensation - How Stakeholder Pressure is Shifting Senior Reward
How can executive compensation plans evolve for the ESG era?  This white paper explores the pressures driving companies to adapt executive pay plans to incorporate ESG-related performance targets. We explore the trending metrics, regulatory impacts, and key issues Remuneration Committees and Executive Compensation professionals should have on their radar when designing senior incentive programs to shape corporate performance and respond to stakeholder demand.
Companies are adopting general-purpose collaboration tools to adapt to the evolving workplace. While these tools meet employee collaboration needs, they could be risky for the company's top layer, the board and executives.

Related Insights & Resources

Explore best practices and key considerations for making directors' board evaluations and D&O Conflict of Interest questionnaires processes more modern and efficient.
This accelerating digital shift is taking place against a background of increased cyber security threats and growing emphasis on environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, meaning boards need more accurate, comprehensive data – faster than ever before.
The 2022 Global Modern Leadership Report, authored by Diligent Institute, using data sets from Diligent Governance Intelligence and Insightia, provides in-depth insights into how diversity is progressing on boards worldwide.
Building your best boardroom is necessary, but in order to do it, your board needs to be using the right technology to better recruit the right talent.
Explore all the elements that go into transforming directors into an effective board, one that successfully fulfils its fiduciary duties, but also ensures directors are not overwhelmed or distracted from achieving long-term strategic goals.
Board management software buyer's guide
Here, we outline the four most important questions boards should be asking when selecting governance technology.