Sanctions Solutions Update

Diligent has been and continues to closely monitor the crisis in Ukraine. We have been contacted by customers who are trying to navigate these uncertain times and evolving sanctions, and we thought it would be helpful to share answers to their top questions with you:

  1. Is Third-Party Risk Management – Compliance (Formerly Third-Party Manager) regularly updated to reflect new sanctions?
    Our third-party automation and management software screens, monitors, and manages the life-cycle of all third parties, as well as provides global database checks on sanctions lists. Clients can be assured that, as always, sanctions lists are regularly updated to reflect new changes as they are issued by authorities. If you require third party screening earlier than your next scheduled cycle and need support with the volume, we can provide customizable managed services options.
  2. Is Risk Intelligence Data regularly updated to reflect new sanctions?
    Our Risk Intelligence Data (RID) integrates into third-party platforms, such as Third-Party Risk Management – Compliance, to provide your teams with increased data coverage which can include watchlists, sanctions and PEP data. It also provides the ability to search, disposition, and continuously monitor global media for reports of financial distress or business disruption, including potential sanctions, to mitigate supply chain and merchant risk exposure. Clients can be assured that, as always, sanctions lists are regularly updated to reflect new changes as they are issued by authorities.
  3. Will Due Diligence Services continue to be available to support customers’ efforts to comply with new sanctions?
    Our risk-based Due Diligence services provide a full range of inquiries, from database screenings and open-source research to on-the-ground field investigations. Our products are designed to be scalable and tailored to your business, while providing reliable, insightful information aligned with global regulatory expectations. We continue to offer these services to manage your compliance obligations.

In a rapidly changing sanctions environment, like today’s political situation, we at Diligent want to make sure you have the access to the tools, information and support you and your compliance teams need. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Manager.